Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Yes, it is that time of year again when many are traveling to those lush tropical or picturesque ski destinations. Spring marks the time to pack up the vacation clothing, sun-tan lotion and cameras to take a break from the ordinary routine of school, work or just everyday life.

Do we really need the break? I think the answer is yes! Do we need to go to far away lands, beaches or mountains? I think the answer is no! Although, I must admit that those vacations are always welcomed and exciting.

A new environment can function as a catalyst to shake the cobwebs from your brain, give you energy and help you to think new creative thoughts. When you step into a fresh environment (especially those dramatically different from your regular routine) you awaken your senses because you are inundated with stimuli of all shapes and sizes.

So maybe all you really need is a change of scenery. To awaken your spirit this spring try something new and different. It is easy! You can pretend you are a tourist in your own town. Look at a travel book or visit the web and find a location nearby that you have never visited. Yesterday, I took a trip into Chicago and visited the Shedd Aquarium. Now I have been there many times but this time we decided to only visit those areas we usually overlook or just never get around to seeing. We spent four hours seeing exhibits and shows that were completely new to us. That is exciting and rejuvenating.

If your schedule doesn’t permit a full-day excursion you can try just varying your routine. Travel a new route to work, eat lunch at a new restaurant or pack something completely different, or you can do something completely crazy like having pancakes and eggs for dinner. I think you get the picture – mix it up! I guarantee you’ll have a surge of creativity and probably a whole lot of fun. Happy Trails!

We would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on ways to stir creativity. Have you visited some great locations, tried new experiences or experimented with changing your everyday routine? Let us know your ideas and results!

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