Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Cartoon Character Ice Breaker Exercise

Today I thought I'd share a fun "getting to know you" exercise that you can use at the start of your next meeting and get everyone's creative juices flowing. This one is perfect to use with groups who don't know each other as well as those where we think we know everyone quite well. The beauty of this exercise is that it gives everyone a chance to share something about themselves that may not ordinarily show in the workplace. Plus, it's just plain fun to do arts & crafts while at work!

The Cartoon Character

Assignment: Create a mask that shows how you would like to look if you were to become a cartoon character.

Allotted Time: 15 minutes

Directions: Provide a table filled with various supplies to build a mask, using a colored paper plate as the base. Supplies can include yarn, pipecleaners (buy several varieties), plastic eyeballs, ribbons, fabric remnants, construction paper, colored index cards, wrapping paper, gluesticks, Elmer’s glue, glitter paint tubes, scissors, cotton balls, colored string, candy, staplers, tape, plastic beads, paperclips (regular and colored), felt, pompoms. Have each person wrap their mask around the back of their chair using yarn for the ties.

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